Monday, February 24, 2014

Naughty Knickers



I woke up to suspender boy.

In my bed.

Naked except for my sheets and fuckme, I was naked too.

We’d totally done it last night. Several times, even though I knew that once was more than enough. I should have kicked him out. I didn’t do that though. Instead I fucked him on the living room floor and then on the couch before I let him bend me over the table and give it to me hard enough to make me wonder if you could bruise the inside of your vag. He didn’t stop there. We made it halfway up the stairs before he was slipping between my legs again and we finished on the carpet in the hallway, just outside my bedroom door, unable to make it the rest of the way. He pinned me to the carpet and breathed hard onto the back of my neck as he shoved himself in and then yanked himself back out again. Painting my backside with his cum, cold and wet and sticky. We'd obviously crawled right into bed after we tired each other out.

There was a faint red line stretched across his neck from where I’d snapped his suspender strap against him last night.

I left him in my bed, trying to resist a peek under the sheets to get an eyeful of the goods. I hadn't been close enough yet and every interaction had been in the dark, which left me conjuring up images based only on touch. The boy was big. Enjoyably big, not the uncomfortable kind of big, and the bulge under the sheet only attested to that.

I ran out of the room. Straight to the kitchen and opened the freezer in a gush of frozen air to stick my head inside, gulping deeply, my hot cheeks burning against the chill.

"I ate all the ice cream, if that's what you're looking for." Alice stumbled into the kitchen and I shut the door to the freezer, leaning against the fridge.

"I wasn't,” I panted, shaking my head. What I was looking for was an ice bath.

Alice rolled her eyes, finishing off the orange juice with one healthy swallow. "Could you at least try to make it to your room next time? I needed to pee last night, but you were blocking the damn door. Whoever that boy is, he's got a nice butt."

Fucking Alice.

She got to see his ass before I even did.

Said ass sauntered into the kitchen at that very moment, yawning and rubbing his eyes, in nothing but his pants and those suspenders. Bare chest. Hair fucked beyond recognition. Eyes sparkling two different colors in the morning sunshine. His gaze locked onto me and he adjusted the straps of the suspenders over his pecs, winking at me.

"Good morning," he grinned. My eyes fell to the red line on his neck and I had no words.

"Oh god, you're the sadist." Alice's eyes widened and she gaped at hot, half naked Edward with her mouth open. I'd never been so glad that she was a lesbian in my whole entire life.

"The sadist?" Edward's eyes shot to mine and I turned even redder, which shouldn't be possible. All of my blood was already in my face and I didn't even know where this fresh wave could have come from.

"Do you do it for the laughs? Drenching girls in blood for your own enjoyment?" Alice narrowed her eyes this time, her post-feminist riot-girl coming out to play. It was way too early for that game.

"Cut it out Alice," I hissed, shoving her out of the kitchen. She squealed, but didn't fight back, and giggled as she trudged reluctantly back up the stairs to her room. "If I was straight, that'd be the very first dick I hopped onto," she whispered in my ear before she went.

"You are  such a pain in my ass," I hissed at her retreating form, standing at the bottom of the steps trying to rearrange my face before I went back in to Edward. He'd fucked me senseless last night, on stair step number six to be precise but here I was, hiding in the other room, wondering what I was supposed to say to him.

"We're gonna be late for work unless you put some clothes on. I don't mind this outfit, but I don't want anyone else seeing it." Edward appeared beside me and fingered the edges of my robe. What he didn't know was that I had actually worn this in public before, belted as a dress, but I'd been wearing something underneath it that time. He licked his lips as he eyefucked my tits and it was at that very moment that I remembered he was my boss.

"I thought you were firing me? I plan on staying in bed, like this, all day." I yanked the robe away and wrapped myself up in it like a burrito, scowling at him.

"No way. You're coming to work today whether you like it or not. We can discuss your unemployment later."

It took an hour longer to get to work than it should have, but that was Edward's fault. I had to yell at him to keep his hands off me long enough to pull some real clothing on, and he groaned into the pillows when I picked out my favorite body suit to wear underneath my dress. A complex web of strappy black leather, it formed a makeshift bra and covered enough of my crotch to qualify as underwear, but it was still more skin than fabric. With a low cut dress, both front and back, I got to show off a fair amount of it while still maintaining some sense of professionalism.

At least by my standards. Which were obviously slipping.

My last gasp of professionalism died on the floor just inside the doorway, right there next to Edward on his knees with his nose in my crotch, telling me he just needed something to get him through the day. He touched me obsessively the entire walk to work, muttering obscenities under his breath every time I declined to acknowledge the devious words he was whispering into my ear. We ducked inside the museum and I was just deciding whether or not to sneak my fingers through his, wondering how warm and damp his palm would be, when she stepped in front of us.

The woman who had an easy forty years on me and had been decorating her bed with this boy for years.

"Edward, darling. I called your phone a hundred times last night. The least you could do is answer me."

"Esme," Edward said, his voice clipped short and his eyebrows smashed together in the middle. "I gave you my answer. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean that I'm going to change it."

The woman smiled sweetly at him before turning to look at me, all the sugar slipping from her eyes. "And who, pray tell, is this?"


Fuck Bella and fuck that body suit and fuck me.


She put that thing on and I couldn't concentrate. Couldn't think straight and definitely couldn't be expected to act like a professional around her. I was making plans for our evening long before we even got to the museum, plotting out how I was gonna get those garters off her legs and around her wrists instead. She'd said she'd been fantasizing about gagging me and she'd be so so wrong if she thought I hadn't been dreaming up the same. She was leading me toward the museum but, actually, we were in my bed and I was strapping her elbows together behind her back. She was following me into the elevator but, really, we were joined at the hips and she was writhing against the binds around her wrists. She was close enough to slip her fingers between mine but, truthfully, I was teasing her without touching her after I blindfolded her with one of those damn stockings.

I was lodged up in my own head, just about to shove Bella off the edge of the best orgasm the girl would ever get, telling her every dirty detail in a whisper near her ear, when Esme showed up and ruined all the fun.

"Edward, darling."

She appeared around a corner and my instinct was to cringe. To turn and run. Call her a bitch and a self-involved waste of my time. Cry. Maybe throw something, or several somethings, until I felt better. Instead, I stood there and let her give me shit for not answering any of the million messages she'd left for me last night. I'd been distracted, but I didn't tell her that. Distracted by the sweet little thing standing behind me who had just twined her fingers through mine, the same one Esme turned her sights on when I rebuked her. I opened my mouth, ready to jump to Bella’s defense, but I should have known better.

This girl in her torture chamber underwear could probably take care of herself.

"I'm the girl who's sucking his dick," Bella said as she stepped in front of me.

That was a lie. She hadn't actually done that yet, but I had plans.

"Yes, you do look like the sloppy second course." Esme spoke down her nose, which was really the only way she knew how to have a conversation. "Did you know that if you stick your finger up his-"

"Esme!" I roared, silencing her. "That is enough!" I grabbed Bella by the arm and hauled her down the hallway, intent only on getting away from that vile woman. I knew there had to be something that initially drew me to her but I was having trouble remembering exactly what that had been. She had lavish taste, booze and beds and ballgowns, and she had treated me like a well-kept pet. Dressing me up to introduce me to people I'd never get close to without her as my escort, which I let her do, rewarding her with precisely what she wanted. Adoration. From some kid who was out of her league. From her social circle, inspiring jealousy and incredulity from her peers. I was the fancy spangled bracelet on her arm that had all the women drooling and all the men wondering how much I cost her.

Bella broke me out of my haze.

She shoved me against the wall beside my office door and attacked my mouth. Shimmying against me like a flat-broke pole dancer. Hands everywhere. Lips everywhere else. I wanted ask her just what she was thinking, doing this here in the hallway of the place we both called work, but one glance beyond the side of her face told me exactly what she meant to accomplish here. Esme's mouth fell open and I chuckled to myself as I pried Bella off of me, hoisting her over my shoulder with my hand up her skirt before storming into my office.

The sound of my door slamming was my second favorite sound, trailing only the noises this girl made when I was dick deep in her.

I finally convinced her to let me photograph her, but only after I'd pounded enough orgasms out of her to render her mildly drunk.

"What are you doing?" she mumbled, blinking her eyes drowsily at me as I slipped her feet back through the straps of that godforsaken body suit.

"I want to take your picture. And I want you to be wearing this when I do." I tugged it up her thighs and grinned at her through my hair. "Come on, pretty girl. Let me get a smile outta you."

"I'm smiling." She was and it was fucking gorgeous, but I had assigned myself a mission and I did not intend to fail.

"I want it on record." I pulled her off her back and she lazily allowed me to strap her into the body suit. By the time I had finished, my dick was aching. I retreated from the bed, blindly feeling my way to the living room to find my camera, my bouncing cock leading the way. Bella was still lying in the bed when I returned and she glanced up at me while I stood nearby and fiddled with my lens.

"I have a reputation, you know? It's not stellar, but it doesn't need shit like this surfacing somewhere,” she said.

"I know. That's why you'll be wearing this."

I offered her an out, but only because I knew she'd probably ask for one. A mask. I'd picked it up in Italy, worn it to a costume party and was told only once I'd arrived that it was crafted for a woman. Studded with small silver grommets in elaborate designs around the eyes, a burst of feathers from one temple. Cat eyes. She took it from me and examined it closely before putting it on. It covered nearly half of her face, cutting her off right above those lips and I fully intended to use my orgasm powers to convince her to blow me with that thing on later.

I adjusted my dick as she crawled to the middle of the bed, perching in the sheets with an expectant look. The sparse room worked in my favor, turning her into a macabre anomaly with the fancy mask and that devilish costume. I took it easy on her at first and just let her lie there while I hovered around her like a moth. Capturing moment after moment of her face as I teased her about everything I wanted to do to her, everything I wanted her to do to me. Where all of these things could be done. In what order. All the endless combinations. I wanted my cock in her mouth and then in her ass. I wanted her fingers in her pussy and then in my mouth. My fingers in her mouth and then all over my cock and I really wanted to watch her get herself off using nothing but my camera strap.

"Not so hard, huh?" I asked her, switching out my memory card for a fresh one. "Now play along and give me something naughty."

"No!" She giggled and hid her face, rolling into the sheets even though the mask was already doing most of that work. She had a beautiful pale rose blush crawling across her skin, her thighs and her neck going up in crimson. “I wouldn’t even know where to start.”

"On your knees. Grab the headboard," I directed and she did as I told her, reaching behind herself to clutch the headboard with her tits pushing out in front of her. Fucking perfect, this girl and her body, every delicious curve wrapped up in thin leather straps. Just fucking perfect. I lit a cigarette and handed it to her, not expecting her to actually smoke it but she surprised me by taking a deep drag and blowing it directly into my camera lens. I didn't often stop to look at the picture I had just taken, but this was one of the few moments when I did. This would be one of my favorite images, out of all the millions of photos I’d taken. Bella's masked face ghosted behind a swirling cloud.

"What are you doing?" I asked her, glancing up from my camera to find her pulling herself free from her strappy contraption.

"Playing along." She smirked at me and shimmied out of the body suit. She sat the edge of her ass on the lip of the headboard, poised above bed with her toes to the mattress and her back against the wall. I didn't say anything, just let her get comfortable. She lifted her arms above her head and I snapped a picture. Flung them out to her sides and I snapped a picture. Dropped her head, white-knuckling her knees and I snapped a picture. Gripped the headboard again, looked right at me with fire behind her face, and I snapped a picture. Kept snapping, dumbfounded by what was going on in front of me. This girl fluffing her hair and pinning her palms to the drywall like a butterfly on a board. Completely naked save that mask.

"Spread your legs," I said roughly, my voice stuck somewhere very far away. I was kneeling at the end of the bed, as breathless as though I'd just trudged a thousand miles through a blistering desert to make it here. This spot. At this girl's feet, staring up at her in awe, as she arched her back against the wall and split her thighs for me.

I saw God. I swear.

I got four memory cards out of her before she called it quits. Honestly, that was about three cards more than I expected so I was pretty fucking happy with myself by the time she pushed my camera away from my face.

"Your dick must be aching," she murmured. "It looks hard as a rock."

"You can kiss it and find out," I suggested, not entirely sure if she was going to play along. The smirk that appeared right below the edge of that mask had my eyes rolling back in my head before her lips even touched my dick.

AN: Hadley is giggling next to me on her couch and I'm full blush while she reads.


Tell me how you feel, what you thought, why you came.